Andreas Keiser
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 18 June 2019 09:33 AM UTC
Dear Appeon Support Team
I already reported this issue 1 year ago.
The same issue still exists with PB Version 2019 Build 2082.
When running a PB-Desktop-Application in a RDP session (Windows 10 host), mouse wheel scrolling doesnt work appropriately.
One mouse wheel click or tick scrolls the datawindow one whole page down or up instead of 3 lines!
Notepad and other applications are scrolling correctly, only PB Applications not.
I think this is an issue. Or is there a datawindow or PB setting that could resolve this Problem?
I uploaded two screen casts.
1. Recording_rdp.rar (Recording.avi, shows datawindow scrolling and Notepad scrolling with mouse wheel )
The datawindow ist scrolled 3 times (3 ticks or clicks) with the mouse wheel.
After the first scroll click/tick the item on top of the datawindow is "C.A1300 Kiessand ….."
After the second one the top item is "Diverses Kokosschnur..."
After the third one the top item is "H.A1000 Bio-Universalerde"
As you can see in Notepad the scrolling is correct (3 by 3 line by each mouse wheel tick) but not in PB (page wise)!
2. Recording_local.rar (Recording_local.avi)
The same application executed locally on the PC (no RDP session). The mouse Wheel scrolling is correct:
The datawindow ist scrolled 3 times (3 ticks or clicks) with the mouse wheel.
After the first scroll click/tick the item on top of the datawindow is "A.A1002 Facharbeiter ….."
After the second one the top item is "A.A1005 Lehrling 1. Lehrjahr"
After the third one the top item is "A.A1008 Praktikant"
When the host system is Windows 7 mouse wheel scrolling works fine in RDP-Sessions. Not so with Windows 8 and 10.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards
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