Pepe Cuenca
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 19 November 2020 08:59 AM UTC
Good Morning Everyone!
I'm trying to populate a Datastore directly from a Stored Procedure (first time that I do this)
I create the DW as a Grid, then select Stored procedure and choose it from the list, everything fine.
It asks me for the retrieval arguments when I try to retrieve data from the DW, so I understand that I've done everything OK...
Then, in the code, I declare the DW
Datastore lds_jornadas
lds_jornadas = create Datastore
lds_jornadas.dataobject = 'd_jornadas_hispatec'
and then I do:
ll_jornadas = lds_jornadas.Retrieve('11',01/01/2020,17/11/2020,'','','','')
And ll_jornadas becomes -1
but sqlrsv.sqlcode is 0.
Could anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong, or which is the best way to obtain data(multiple rows) from an stored procedure?
Thank you very much!!!
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