Miguel Leeuwe
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 13 March 2020 03:37 AM UTC
I was trying to prove something the other day, which I could not reproduce in my little sample app.
What I did find though, was some - for me - unseen behaviour when creating a dw on the fly: it "jumps up". Strangely enough, all the other controls ( a few buttons), remain in place.
I noticed this, when initially the dw was aligned to the upper border of the window and I could never see the header of the dw, once created.
Never mind all the buttons, only the first one is relevant for this case.
On this link you'll find a small video and my sample application. (it uses the "PB Demo DB V2017R3" or you can use any other sqlanywhere db, but then you have to modify the connection in "of_getconnectioninfo()" of n_dwJumpUp_connectService):
I generated this test app, using the template when creating a new target.
The main window w_dwjumpup_main, has a menu assigned "m_dwjumpup_main". If I delete this menu from the window (so no more menu assigned to it), then the jump does not happen. As said before, the only affected object seems to be the datawindow control. the buttons are always positioned ok.
Does anyone have an explanation for this?
BTW: I've reported it as a possible bug https://www.appeon.com/standardsupport/search/view?id=4259
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