Patrick Montferrier
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 3 May 2023 11:00 AM UTC
Hello everyone,
I'm a real begginner with PowerBuilder, so excuse my ignorance, and in addition I'm French, so forgive me my way of expressing myself.
In a window I would like to create synamically some object like with the code bellow :
integer li_counter, li_y
commandbutton lcb_button
FOR li_counter = 1 TO 5
lcb_button = CREATE CommandButton
lcb_button.Text = "Bouton " + String(li_counter)
lcb_button.Width = 100
lcb_button.Height = 30
lcb_button.X = 10
li_y = 50 + ((li_counter - 1) * 40)
lcb_button.Y = li_y
How to create the button ?????
I struggle to create the button.
Does someone knows how to do that ?
In advance thank you for your advices.
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