John Fauss
- PowerBuilder
- Saturday, 1 August 2020 09:10 PM UTC
I have the PDF's for the following PFC documentation:
- PFC Library Object Reference, Part 1 (608 pages, dated 2001)
- PFC Library Object Reference, Part 2 (908 pages, dated 2001)
- PFC Library User's Guide (310 pages, dated 2003)
These pubs are admittedly old and the PFC has undergone a few changes since these were published, but I still find them useful from time to time and maybe you will, too.
The user's guide document can be found on the web (I even found a copy of it buried in the Appeon Q&A web site recently!), but the two Object Reference volumes that I find the most useful are hard to find.
If you would like to have a copy of these, I will be glad to email you a zip file containing all three PDF's (I do not have a publicly-accessible drop box/folder, sorry). The zip file is 10MB. Send a request to me at: jfauss-at-cox-dot-net. Please mention "PFC docs" in the subject to make sure I see your request. All inquiries will remain confidential.
Update: I have created a Google Drive account and uploaded these three PDF's to a public folder there named "PFC Documentation". Here is the link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OWkDzGow2COlnA266eb9ZVaqZrNIJ6Vx?usp=sharing
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