Michael Hartnett
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Thursday, 11 April 2019 09:33 AM UTC
Hi All Appeon Experts,
We have been developing Desktop Apps for a significant number of years and have started developing Appeon Mobile Apps to compliment these over the last 2-3 years. To date our Deskptop and Mobile App codebase have been kept in separate development projects, so there has been duplication of logic.
In one particular Mobile App we have been developing using a DAO and Bean methodology for encapsulating the Data Access Objects and also some of the Business Logic. Much of this DAO will be common between the Desktop and Mobile developments, so we were hoping to share the DAO and Bean PBL's between the 2 development project (Desktop & Mobile).
Our initial thoughts were to create a standalone set of PBL's to house the common non-visual business logic and include the compiled PBD's (from the standalone project) in our projects, however an initial test this morning indicates that a compiled PBD does not seem to work or deploy as part of our Appeon Mobile deployment.
Prior to now, we have always just selected the PBT for the Mobile Application Deployment configuration, which has meant that the configuration used the selected list of PBL's specified in the PBT.
************Here is the Question bit!!
Would we be better integrating our Mobile PBL's into our Desktop Project and only selecting the required mobile libraries when creating our Mobile Application Deployment Profile.
This would allow us to maintain a single set of PBL's for deploying both types of application (Desktop and Mobile), inherently sharing the DAO and Bean PBL's. However, the drawback I do see is that our Desktop deployment will grow to include the extra Mobile PBL's.
Using the Mobile App as a Master project for the development of the DAO and Bean PBL's and instead include the compiled PBD only in the Desktop Project.
What advice would anybody have on doing this?
Have others had to deal with a similar situation?
Thanks In Advance,
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