Client Deployment
- How-to
Stephan Schröpel
- PowerBuilder
- Monday, 24 January 2022 12:43 PM UTC
I made al Client deployment and it worked fine an several machines. Only one machine had a problem during downloading the library. It stoped downloading the files without any comment and didn't start the EXE.
Starting it manually I got the messageBox "This is currently no matchi8ng version. Lowest supported version"
I think, several libraries or path settings were missing. So I copied all Files from my (working) installation in AppData/Roaming/PBApps/Application to this machine and after modifiying pbapp.ini and {apllication}.xml with the new paths, ist worked.
Any suggestions, why the download stopped?
To tried to install the program using the path %ProgramFiles% in an own LauncherProfile. But %ProgramFiles%" has beend translated to "ProgramFiles (x86)". And it didn't work.
How can I put it in ProgramFiles instead of hidden AppData? Why is there no Standard Profile?
Is it possible to let the User decide, if he wants to update the software via cloudApp Launcher or not?
Thank you!
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