Vipin Dwivedi
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 17 April 2024 08:06 PM UTC
Hello Appeon Team,
I need one help!
There is one function in PB PowerScript function CharA() which Extracts the first ASCII character of a string or converts an integer to a char as per the document. So CharA(65) will return Corressponding value 'A'. The same conversion we can do in C# by casting number to Char like (Char)65 which will give you value of Ascii of 65 i.e. A. My problem is when I am using CharA(306) it is giving me value 2 in PowerBuilder but when I use the same in C# (Char)306, it is giving me value as 'IJ'. The Ascii table is also showing me same 'IJ' then how Powerscript CharA(306) is showing me 2? What is the logic behind CharA() and how can I achieve the same in C#?
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