Daryl Foster
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 7 September 2021 06:21 AM UTC
Hi, we've been playing around with Powerclient again this week and it is looking promising, but we still have a couple of small issues with CloudAppLauncher_Installer. We may still use the msi for central deployment, but I kind of like the idea of the user being in control of the whole installation process. The users PCs are pretty locked down and we use application whitelisting to allow various applications to run. We whitelisted the Appeon certificate to allow users to run CloudAppLauncher_Installer.exe downloaded from the server, but some of the files that CloudAppLauncher_Installer.exe extracts and runs aren't signed so it doesn't work.
When CloudAppLauncher_Installer.exe runs it seems to extract a few other files (e.g. LauncherSetup_withoutservice.exe [8MB]) which are signed, but then it also extracts and tries to run another LauncherSetup_withoutservice.exe in a random directory (\{6D0DC491-5F48-466F-B13E-77D11B201945}\LauncherSetup_withoutservice.exe [1MB]) which isn't signed, so that fails. It also seems to extract and run a batch file (check_port.bat), so that fails as well. I just wanted to check whether those files should be signed, or whether there is some reason that they aren't?
Interestingly the user can download the msi file from the server and install that just based on the Appeon certificate whitelist. If we don't deploy centrally, is there any issue with changing the link for CloudAppLauncher_Installer.exe to CloudAppLauncher_Installer.msi in autodownload.html and manualdownload.html?
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