- Jason Frost
- PowerServer
- Friday, 18 February 2022 12:51 AM UTC
Hi, this is my situation: I have a PB app that I'm trying to deploy to remote cloud server. The server is only available through DNS record which is re-routed so it only responds to https. I compile and package the application and APIs and ship them to the server where I unpack manually.
Let's say I access the application at https://server5.s2.foo.com/fooapp and I can download the app through the browser, so the application is installed in a folder fooapp in the root of IIS. The APIs are installed under a folder foo_api in the root of IIS.
My question is: what should the Web API URL be in the Web APIs tab of the deployment project? I have tried not specifying a port, using 5000 with http, using 5009 with https, adding the /foo_api to the url. All seems to fail with 'Session creation failed.'
It takes a couple of hours to compile and deploy each time because of the security on my server, so any pointers would be gratefully received.
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