William Beale
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 18 May 2021 02:27 AM UTC
In an MDI configuration, want to call a function that is in an already opened widow (say w_main) from another opened widow (say, w_detail) and, once the function is executed, close the calling widow (w_detail) to return to the original window, (w_main).
Using Active Sheet to get a handle on w_main does not help because w_detail is the active sheet. I do not want to create another instance of w_main by using OpenwithParm(..).
In a simplified version of the code in w_detail, I’ve tried:
If IsValid(w_main) Then
li_rc = w_main.of_perform_function()
End If
Once the function is executed, I code to close the calling window, w_detail, for w_main to be the active sheet.
I’m using PM 2019 R3
Any advice would be appreciated.
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