Blob Base64
- How-to
Samuel Sanchez Avila
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 14 April 2021 06:39 PM UTC
The issue of this question is the next situation. We have txt files of 20MB and above, where it contains a json in base 64. Inside this json we have status, description and PDF in base 64 and more...
Step 1: Loading file
li_fnum = FileOpen(ls_path + "temp.txt", StreamMode!)
li_bytes = FileReadEX(li_fnum, lb_data)
Step 2: Decoding base 64 (issue). This function works fine with txt lower than 9MB, but for bigger, PB stop working.
Is there another alternative for reading the base64 that we need?
string(lb_data, EncodingANSI!)
Step 3: Parsing Json
Thanks you for your time.
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