ritesh desai
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 19 March 2021 04:29 AM UTC
Currently I have synchronized 26k data from local to cloud using following method
- Create two transaction objects.
- First connect to local db file (io_to_source)
- Second connect to cloud db ( io_to_target - aws mysql )
- Retrieve data in datastore using local db
ds_data.SetTransObject ( io_to_source )
// Switch DataStore to the target database.
ds_data.SetTransObject ( io_to_target )
for ll_row = 1 to ds_data.rowcount()
ds_data.SetItemStatus ( ll_row, 0, primary!, NewModified! )
commit using io_to_target ;
It works but take a lot of time.
Will it help if I create REST API in reducing the time?
And also is there a way for creating REST API service that supports gzip data?
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