Gunnar Gisleberg
- PowerBuilder
- Thursday, 3 June 2021 08:06 AM UTC
Our application development is based on 2019 r3. I ran into a crash/exception running the application. The crash occurs in the C external function defined as :
function long ShellExecuteA( ulong hWnd, string Operation, string lpFile, string lpParameters, string lpDirectory, int nShowCmd ) LIBRARY "shell32.dll" alias for "ShellExecuteA;Ansi"
Error number: 21
Bad runtime reference at line ..
The crash/exception seems be related to the build
- I one case the program feiled after a complete rebuild
- after a second fulll rebuild the program worked ok again
The description found in the appeon community is like this
I have not detected how to control this issue - a single full build does not help to avoid this problem.
Is there any experience / advice how to avoid this issue?
The function is defined in the main program as an external function - is there an alternate implementation ?
For example - is it more robust to create a .net assembly and execute the functions from an imported dll in pb 2019?
Gunnar Gisleberg
Locus Solutions AS
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