Raj Nair
- PowerServer Mobile (Obsolete)
- Wednesday, 9 August 2017 10:35 AM UTC
We at Destiny Technologies have been in the forefront of incorporating solutions based on beacons (as nearby devices) to develop commercial applications.
Having been associated with PowerBuilder since version 4 (late 1980's) and Appeon, we are seeking as much support from PB users to have relevant cordova pluings for beacons to be incorporated in the coming versions of Appeon Mobile.
Current cordova plugin for bluetooth LE has very restricted support for beacons and I believe Appeon developers are using MIBAND for testing and development.
It is established fact that we are all moving towards IOT and beacon related solutions for businesses. Hence atleast to us, it makes senses to have IOT and beacons related features to be made available for PowerBuilder before other development platforms gets into the fray. There by giving PB developers an edge. Added reason for having this feature is the availability of cordova plugins for beacons.
As of now beacon related development platforms revolve around Android Studio, X-Code, Swift, Evothings, to name a few. Learning a new development tool is time consuming and painful.
We therefore would like to hear from PB users, their view on our suggestions and requests.
Raj Nair
Director - SAAS and IOT Technologies
Destiny Technologies
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