Shin Jungi
- PowerBuilder
- Wednesday, 11 October 2023 07:03 AM UTC
Hi, how are you?
This is the source code written in Appeon PowerBuilder 2019 R3 version.
[ Source Code ]
Blob lblb_data
Blob lblb_sha1
String ls_data
lblb_data = Blob("Test SHA1", EncodingANSI!)
CrypterObject lnv_CrypterObject
lnv_CrypterObject = Create CrypterObject
// Encrypt with SHA
lblb_sha1= lnv_CrypterObject.SHA(SHA1!, lblb_data)
Coderobject lnv_code
Lnv_code = create coderobject
//Encode the SHA blob data to be hex data and output as a string
Ls_data = lnv_code.hexencode(lblb_sha1)
messagebox("Ls_data", Ls_data)
I used the code as in the APPEON manual, but Null is stored in the Ls_data variable value. Which line is wrong?
Is it not supported in APPEON MOBILE?
Is there any way?
This is an urgent request.
thank you
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