Faisal Hayat
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 8 January 2019 02:15 PM UTC
Hi Guys,
I have datawindow which fetches the data from a single table and the table is a TEMP table. In order to add a new column to datawindow I use edit source and adds a column is select statement and add a column as well. The new column is not required in design mode.
In Select
SELECT col1, col2 from tempt1;
Select col1, newcol, col2 from tempt1;
In Columns
column=(type=date updatewhereclause=yes name=col1 dbname="col1" )
column=(type=date updatewhereclause=yes name=col2dbname="col2" )
column=(type=date updatewhereclause=yes name=col1 dbname="col1" )
column=(type=date updatewhereclause=yes name=newcol dbname="newcol" )
column=(type=date updatewhereclause=yes name=col2dbname="col2" )
col1 and col2 are also part of design.
Now I have question that adding a new column between existing columns using edit source of datawindow will have any negative impact on datawindow design, column indexes or anything? The reason of asking question is that it has some issues in older versions of PB and whether it has been sorted in PB2017 or not?
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