Access Source from PBD Files
- Advice
James Beck
- PowerBuilder
- Tuesday, 19 March 2019 07:23 PM UTC
Was messing with the Powerbuilder Complier and using the params that were provided when i do a build. We also use topWiz for source control, and when i ran the pbc170 with the parameters, i didn't realize topWiz would go and get latest of all of the objects for the compile / rebuild. we had a handful of objects checked out and were overwritten with from the last time they were checked out. we have a build from a week ago that has the most recent code in the pbd's. we were able to put together a procedure to get the syntax of the datawindows from the build from a week ago and that solved the issue of getting the latest datawindows that were overwritten, but was wondering if there is anyway to access the source code from the PBD's (window functions, events, etc...). we were able to get a reference to the window and source with the FindClassDefinition and looking at the scriptList.source object, but that only seemed to work while running the application from within the powerbuilder environment. we need to be able to reference the objects when running the exe so we could access the PBD files from a week ago. anyone have any suggestions. we almost need to reverse engineer our pbd files from a week ago.
Thanks in advance
Jim Beck
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