Olan Knight
- PowerBuilder
- Friday, 1 March 2019 01:04 AM UTC
PowerBuilder v12.1, build 7055
Oracle 12C
Non-PFC PB client application
We have ten utilities that are baseline PowerBuilder applications. Some use OLE to open Excel to import an Excel file, others simply import test files. All of them use some Windows APIs to perform various tasks, and most of those are FIND/GET APIs.
The utilities are hosted on a Citrix box, and that's how they are accessed by the users.
Every so often, one of the users starts having more and more difficulty accessing the utility. Once her Windows User Profile is rebuilt, the utility is again accessible. After 2-4 weeks of activity her Profile somehow gets corrupted. This occurs regularly. It only seems to happen on one of the 10 utilities; but to be fair it's the most used utility.
Q: Does anyone have any idea how a non-PFC application could be corrupting a Windows User Profile?
Is that even possible?
Is there any other way the Windows User Profile could be getting corrupted?
The utilities use the following FIND/GET Windows APIs, all from LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll" except as noted:
FUNCTION uint FindWindowA
FUNCTION ulong GetEnvironmentVariableA
FUNCTION boolean GetComputerNameA
FUNCTION boolean GetUserNameA
Function Boolean GetFileTime
FUNCTION int GetModuleFileNameA
FUNCTION long GetCurrentProcessId
Function Boolean GetFileTime
FUNCTION long FindFirstFileA
FUNCTION boolean FindClose
FUNCTION boolean FileTimeToLocalFileTime
FUNCTION boolean FileTimeToSystemTime
FUNCTION long GetFileVersionInfo
Function ulong GetProcessHeap
Function ulong VerQueryValue
They use the following non-FIND/non-GET Windows APIs:
Function boolean MoveFileA
Function ulong HeapAlloc
Function long HeapFree
Subroutine RtlMoveMemory
Function ulong strcpy
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