Hi Ramendra,
as you probably know from PB doc
"If the year is two digits, the assumption of century follows thisrule: for years between 00 and 49, the first two digits are assumed to be20; for years between 50 and 99, the first two digits are assumed to be19. If your data includes dates before 1950, such as birth dates, alwaysspecify a four-digit year to ensure the correct interpretation."
Now, how do you work around ?
If your DW or edit fields inherit from a common ancestor, say u_dw or u_em or u_sle (do you remember pfc_u_dw from PFC lib?) you can just add code below (for the DW case)
event itemchanged;
If Upper(dwo.type) <> 'COLUMN' Then Return
If Upper(dwo.coltype) = 'DATE' Then
Date ld_date
ld_date = Date(data)
// now take the year and add 50
End If
end event
Thank you for your valuable inputs,I believe your recommendation should resolves the problem.