Hello All,
I have a "helloworld" app that is saving a DW to a PDF file using PDFlib. It is compiled in 32-bit (for a variety of reasons that can't be changed). It works fine on my Windows 10 laptop and VDI, but fails on Citrix running on 2012R2.
This is the basic script:
string ls_pathname
integer li_RC
datastore lds_print
ls_pathname = "H:\test_saveas.pdf"
lds_print = create datastore
lds_print.dataobject = "d_employees"
lds_print.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.UsePrintSpec = 'Yes'
lds_print.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.Method = NativePDF!
lds_print.Object.DataWindow.Export.PDF.NativePDF.PDFStandard = 1
li_RC = lds_print.SaveAs ( ls_pathname, PDF!, FALSE )
destroy lds_print
The value of li_RC is -1 so it's a failure, but I have no idea why. Does PDFlib (PBPDF190.dll) not work on Windows Server 2012R2?
Ray Kellum
This got me to the answer! Evidently we had some corrupt PB DLLs on the 2012R2 server. I replaced them using the Runtime Packager and it started working. Really embarrassed for not even thinking of that! Hopefully all the hair I pulled out will grow back. Thanks Chris, Mark and Mike for your assistance!
Ray Kellum