1. Sang Chul Song
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Saturday, 7 May 2022 03:51 AM UTC

PowerBuilder 2021 Buld 1059

AutoBuild2021 ISSU


<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-05-07T03:39:05.771728900Z" />
<Security />
- <EventData>
<Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\PowerBuilder 21.0\PBAutoBuild210.exe</Data>
<Data>C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\PowerBuilder 21.0\MSVCR100.dll</Data>
<Data />
<Data />





"MetaInfo": {
"IDEVersion": "210",
"RuntimeVersion": ""
"BuildPlan": {
"SourceControl": {
"PreCommand": "",
"SVN": [
{"SrcPath": "","User": "","Password": "","DestPath": "","Proxy": {"Ip": "","Port": 0,"Username": "","Password": ""}}
"Git": [
{"SrcPath": "","User": "","Password": "","DestPath": "","Proxy": {"Ip": "","Port": 0,"Username": "","Password": ""}}
"VSS": [
{"SrcPath": "","User": "","Password": "","DestPath": ""}
"Merging": [
{"Target": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame\\mcframe\\mcframe.pbt","LocalProjectPath": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame","RefreshPbl": false}
"PostCommand": ""
"BuildJob": {
"PreCommand": "",
"Projects": [
{"Target": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame\\mcframe\\mcframe.pbt","Name": "onerp_deploy_dev"}
"PostCommand": ""
"Projects": {
"onerp_deploy_dev": {
"ProjectType": 1,
"//": "0: PB Native",
"//": "1: PowerClient",
"//": "2: PowerServer",
"General": {
"AppName": "OnERPDev",
"PBRFileName": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame\\mcframe\\onerp.pbr",
"ProjectBuildOptions": {
"WindowsClassicStyle": false,
"Rebuild": 0,
"//": "0: Incremental",
"//": "1: Full"
"CodeGenerationOptions": {
"EnableDebugSymbol": true,
"EncryptAllTheCompiledP-CodeFiles": true,
"Platform": 0,
"//": "0: 32-bit",
"//": "1: 64-bit"
"ManifestInformation": {
"GenerateOptions": 0,
"//": "0: No manifest",
"//": "1: Embedded Manifest",
"//": "2: External manifest",
"ExecutionLevel": 0,
"//": "0: As Invoker",
"//": "1: Highest Available",
"//": "2: Require Administrator",
"AllowAccessToProtectedSystemUI": false
"PropertiesDisplayedForExecutable": {
"ProductName": "OnERP",
"CompanyName": "OCI정보통신",
"Description": "OCI 정보통신 ERP 솔루션",
"Copyright": "Copyright 2022 OCIC.co.LTD,",
"ProductVersion": "",
"FileVersion": ""
"ExecutableVersionUsedByInstaller": {
"ProductVersion": [
"FileVersion": [
"Libraries": [
"Library": "mcframe.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\appeon\\appeon_resize.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_frame_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_nvo.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcv_snvo.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcv_svo.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_structure.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_calendar.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_service.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_anc_frame.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_manager.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_managerpop_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfileservice\\mcfileservice.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfcustom\\mcf_custom_ancestor.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfcustom\\mcf_custom_button.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfcustom\\mcf_custom_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcfedms\\mcf_edms.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "mcf_search.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mcf_dotnet\\mcf_dotnet.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_frame.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_anc.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_btn.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_tab.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_dw.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_edms.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""
"Library": "..\\mindconsulting\\mindconsulting_alam.pbl",
"PBRFileName": ""

"ExternalFiles": {
"FilesPreloadedAsCompressedPackages": {
"onerp": [
"FilesPreloadedInUncompressedFormat": [],
"ImagesOrVideosDynamicallyloaded": []
"Runtime": {
"RuntimeModules": {
"Core Runtime Files": true,
"ADO .NET (ADO)": false,
"Direct Connect Interface (DB)": false,
"Informix v10.x & v12.x Interface (I10)": false,
"Informix v9.x Interface (IN9)": false,
"JDBC Interface (JDB)": false,
"Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server (MOD)": false,
"ODBC Database Driver (ODB)": false,
"OLE DB Database Driver (OLE)": false,
"Oracle 9 & 9i (O90)": false,
"Oracle 10 & 10g (O10)": true,
"Oracle (ORA)": true,
"SNC SQL Native Client (SNC)": false,
"SAP ASE (SYC)": false,
"SAP ASE 15.x & 16.x (ASE)": false,
"Compression Support": true,
"dotNET Assembly Calls": true,
"EJB Client": false,
"HTTPClient Support": true,
"MS Excel12 Support": true,
"OAuth 2.0 Support": true,
"NativePDF Support": true,
"RESTClient Support": true,
"PB DOM": true,
"RibbonBar Support": false,
"TX TextControl ActiveX 15.0": false,
"TX TextControl ActiveX 28.0": false,
"WebBrowser Support": true,
"Rich Edit Control (TE Edit Control)": false,
"SOAP Client for Web Service": false,
"Web Service DataWindow Support": false
"Signing": {
"SignOptions": 0,
"//": "0: Do not sign the executable file",
"//": "1: Use the SignTool utility from the Windows SDK",
"//": "2: Use your own signing script(*.cmd)",
"UseTheSignTool": {
"SignToolLocation": "",
"SigningCertificate": "",
"CertificatePassword": "",
"SignatureAlgortithm": "SHA256",
"URLOfTheTimestampServer": "http://timestamp.digicert.com"
"UseYourOwnSigningScript": ""
"ClientDeployment": {
"DeploymentServer": {
"DeploymentServerOptions": 0,
"//": "0: Directly deploy to the server",
"//": "1: Package the compiled app and manually deploy later",
"DirectlyDeployToTheServer": {
"ServerProfileName": "OnERPDev",
"CheckTheAvailabilityOfCloudAppLauncherOnTheServerDuringTheDeploymentProcess": false,
"ServerConfiguration": {
"LocalServer": {
"ServerProfileName": "Local",
"WebRootFullPath": ""
"RemoteServer": [
"ServerProfileName": "OnERPDev",
"FTPSettings": {
"Host": "",
"Port": 21,
"Username": "ftp",
"Password": "IEdsa29mOTMl",
"Encryption": 0,
"//": "0: No encryption",
"//": "1: TLS/SSL explicit encryption",
"//": "2: TLS/SSL implicit encryption"
"ServerProfileName": "OnERPTest",
"FTPSettings": {
"Host": "",
"Port": 21,
"Username": "ftp",
"Password": "IEdsa29mOTMl",
"Encryption": 0,
"//": "0: No encryption",
"//": "1: TLS/SSL explicit encryption",
"//": "2: TLS/SSL implicit encryption"
"ServerProfileName": "OnERP",
"FTPSettings": {
"Host": "",
"Port": 21,
"Username": "ftp",
"Password": "IEdsa29mOTMl",
"Encryption": 0,
"//": "0: No encryption",
"//": "1: TLS/SSL explicit encryption",
"//": "2: TLS/SSL implicit encryption"
"PackageTheCompiledAppAndManuallyDeployLater": {
"PackageTheAppAs": 1,
"//": "0: Executable installer file",
"//": "1: Zipped file",
"PackageCloudAppLauncher": false,
"PackageCloudAppLauncherOptions": {
"LauncherProfile": "Default_Both_WithServiceMulti",
"//": "Default_WithoutService",
"//": "Default_WithServiceSingle",
"//": "Default_WithServiceMulti",
"//": "Default_Both_WithServiceSingle",
"//": "Default_Both_WithServiceMulti"
"PackageTheRuntimeFile": {
"32Bit": false,
"64Bit": false
"OutputPath": "C:\\Users\\onerpadm\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\1\\pbappscache\\temp"
"DeploymentVersion": "1.0000000001",
"MinimumCompatibleVersion": "1.0000000001",
"AvailabeTime": "2022-05-06 02:22:40",
"ExpirationTime": "2032-05-06 02:22:40",
"UpdateStrategy": {
"UpdateOptions": 0,
"//": "0: Always update(Note:this option requires that the client stays connected to the server)",
"//": "1: Update when connected",
"//": "2: Never update",
"NeverUpdate": {
"PromptToUpgradeWhenTheApplicationDeploymentVersionIsInvalid": false
"DownloadsOptions": 0,
"//": "0: Download the app files as necessary (except files configured in External Files)",
"//": "1: Download all the app files at app startup",
"AppEntryPageSettings": {
"DefaultStartupMode": 1,
"//": "0: Startup without background service",
"//": "1: Startup with background service",
"StartupWithoutBackgroundService": {
"//": "Deploy manual.html as the entry page, for startup without background service enabled",
"DeplyAutoHtmlAsTheEntryPageForStartupWithBackgroundService": false
"StartupWithBackgroundService": {
"DeplyManualHtmlAsTheEntryPageForStartupWithoutBackgroundService": false,
"//": "Deploy auto.html as the entry page, for startup with background service enabled"
"RunOptions": {
"CommandlineArguments": "",
"AppShortcut": {
"CreateShortcut": {
"DesktopShortcut": true,
"StartMenuShortcut": true,
"AppUninstallShortcut": true
"CustomizeAppShortcutName": "OnERP 개발테스트",
"CustomizeAppShortcutIcon": "D:\\Source\\OnERP2021_NewFrame\\images\\onerp\\onerp_icondesign\\icon_2qP_icon.ico"
"ShowTheLoadingAnimationDeforeTheAppRuns": true,
"ValidateTheApplicationIntegrityBeforeTheAppRuns": false,
"PreloadEvent": {
"Commands": "",
"RunAsAdministrator": true,
"WhenToExecuteTheEvent": 1,
"//": "0: Only when the app first starts or is updated",
"//": "1: Every time the app starts"
"RunningAppFromIDE": {
"HTTPS": true,
"Host": "localhost",
"Port": 0,
"Arguments": "",
"RunTheAppIn": 1,
"//": "0: Default web browser",
"//": "1: Cloud App Launcher (If not installed, the app will be run in the default web browser)"


Ken Guo @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 9 May 2022 07:44 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Sang,

Thanks for sharing with us how you solved this issue. We want to further locate this issue to make PBAutobuild more stable. Could you compare the two dw2xls_pb.pbl files and see if you can find out the difference that causes the issue? Or can you send these two dw2xls_pb.pbl files for us to reproduce and analyze the issue?

Regards, Ken


  1. Miguel Leeuwe
  2. Monday, 9 May 2022 07:51 AM UTC
Just my opinion,

dw2xls is a licensed product, I don't think it should be send to anyone.


  1. Helpful 2
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Miguel Leeuwe Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Sunday, 8 May 2022 04:12 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

To know what the problem is, you'd have to compare all objects of the 2 different versions of dw2xls_pb.pbl.

A year or 2 ago, if I had to change all longptrs to and longlong to ulong variables in dw2xls because these weren't supported by Powerserver.


Now, of course that shouldn't be an explanation of why Autobuild would fail, but I'm simply pointing out as of why your library was different to the 'original' pbl.


Glad you solved it.


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Miguel Leeuwe Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Sunday, 8 May 2022 04:11 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

To know what the problem is, you'd have to compare all objects of the 2 different versions of dw2xls_pb.pbl.

A year or 2 ago, if I had to change all longptrs to and longlong to ulong variables in dw2xls because these weren't supported by Powerserver.


Now, of course that shouldn't be an explanation of why Autobuild would fail, but I'm simply pointing out as of why your library was different to the 'original' pbl.


Glad you solved it.




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Sang Chul Song Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Sunday, 8 May 2022 02:37 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 4

self answer

Run PowerBuilder2021 Deploy PowerClient No problem...

Run PBAutoBuild210.exe Use Problem...


problem is dw2xls_pb.pbl ..


The problem was solved by applying the original dw2xls_pb.pbl

I fixed it, but I don't know the exact cause.

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Sang Chul Song Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Saturday, 7 May 2022 04:04 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 5


Start compiling the source code run failed


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