I have an old client who used the application developed using PowerBuilder 7 really long ago.
The client current use this for back up and now rarely use this system, but they recently requested asking if it's possible to do do some enhancement on this as they are tying to go to some of the system move to cloud.
The issue is the current system connects to another program's database using ODBC connection, but if the other program moves, ODBC connection cannot be worked and only method to communicate with another program is REST API and the connection has to made using OAUth, that I have never dealt with.
I was able to do some testing using REST API with Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0 and MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0, but I cannot find a method for OAuth part.
Is this even possible to do with this much older version of Powerbuilder?