I'm using PB 2022R2 and setting up my first Power Server application and I run into several problems. Test environment is running in a single Windows 2019 server on Azure, SQL2019 SQL Express and IIS running on it.
If I use the private IP of the server or it's name it can't connect, but if I use "localhost", it can validate connection.
When I deploy the project new folders are created and files within them
When I try to open installation on Chrome, it fails.
If I try it with IP-address, it thinks it is not safe to open it.
If I open the index.html manually from Explorer, it opens without problem. When I click the Dowload the Launcher, I get warning this might be dangerous (PROBLEM!) but I can open it and installation of CloudAppLaunchert succeeds, it is installed to users AppData/Roaming directory.
It also installs some of needed application files, but not the executable and ini files so the application can't be started.
All advices appreciated.
BR, Hannu
Regards, Logan