Hi All,
PowerBuilder Version: 2021 Build 1509 RT
Issue with: datawindow.print(TRUE) not printing the entire content of a datawindow edit control.
I am using my_report.print(TRUE) to do a PRINT of a report which has a edit control with lot of text (with a limit of 32K ).
The report datawindow has 4 columns and one of the column is a edit control with lot of data/text (auto vertical scroll/vertical scrollbar checked).
When the user views the report there is a scroll bar to view the entire content of this edit control and the user has to scroll to view the entire text but when the user prints the report partially the text gets truncated.
I have attached a screenshot that might give some idea. Any help/advise greatly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
The only outstanding issue is i have a group box around the edit control, i can't figure out how to resize it based on the size (autosize) of the entered notes.