I have OLE code to connect to MS Outlook but since upgrading Outlook to the current version ( 1.2023.630.100) the code no longer works. This is the code that worked before the upgrade:
oleApplication = CREATE n_OLEObject
// Connect to Outlook.
li_rc = oleApplication.ConnectToNewObject("Outlook.Application")
IF li_rc <> 0 THEN
MessageBox("Error connecting to Outlook", &
+ "Check if Outlook is Running - ~r" + oleApplication.of_ConnectError(li_rc), StopSign!)
I suspect "Outlook.Application" may no longer be relevant but can't find anything on the web.
I'm using PB 2019 R3.
Advice would be appreciated.
Bill Beale
I've been doing some Google and it doesn't look like Office365 is going to go away anytime soon. Basically the "New Outlook" (silly naming), is simply a glorified version of the current Outlook Web Mail. It doesn't make sense of them advertising it in Outlook 365, but they just want loads of beta testers. They talk a lot about the possibility of creating Plugins using JS, but totally ignore the Deverlopers using C# VB .net, Powerbuilder etc. If they would totally replace Outlook365 with this pile of .... they would get a LOT of problems with developers and companies.
(not that they care ...)