1. Andrew Davis
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Wednesday, 14 April 2021 10:42 AM UTC


I hope you can help.

I am trying to connect to an API and have been given the following information. I do not have much experience in this area and any help would be appreciated.


Purpose - Authorization fro subsequent calls
method - POST https only
URL - {baseURL}/Token
request - format x-www-form-urlencoded


username - as provided
password - as provided
Grant_Type - must be 'password'


format JSON
data access_token - token will be need for subsequent calls

So i used the following code - which is taken from an example on this forum and I get a response of -1 - any help in debugging would be usefull also

I am using pb2019 build 2170 - i am happy to upgrade to 2019r2 or 2019r3 if that will help



string ls_url = 'https://apiplay.cleanservices.co.uk/token/'
string ls_clientid = 'lm.computers'
string ls_clientsecret = 'secret' // password not shown
string ls_scope = ''
string ls_auth = ''
string ls_base64 = ''
string ls_body = ''
integer li_rc
string ls_token

RestClient lo_restclient
CoderObject lo_coderobject

lo_coderobject = create CoderObject
lo_restclient = create RestClient

ls_auth = ls_clientid + ':' + ls_clientsecret
ls_base64 = lo_coderobject.Base64Encode(Blob(ls_auth, EncodingUTF8!))

// Set the authorization and content headers
lo_restclient.SetRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + ls_base64)
lo_restclient.SetRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')

// Using the GetOauthToken function

// Create the token request

TokenRequest lo_tokenrequest

lo_tokenrequest.TokenLocation = ls_url
lo_tokenrequest.Method = 'POST'
lo_tokenrequest.GrantType = 'password'
lo_tokenrequest.ClientId = ''
lo_tokenrequest.ClientSecret = ''
lo_tokenrequest.UserName = ls_clientid
lo_tokenrequest.PassWord = ls_clientsecret
lo_tokenrequest.Scope = ls_scope

// Get token with GetOauthtoken (this returns the token as a string already parsed from the json response)
li_rc = lo_restclient.GetOauthtoken(lo_tokenrequest, ls_Token)

destroy lo_coderobject
destroy lo_restclient



Andrew Davis Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 14 April 2021 17:43 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Just thought i would let you know I have now got it working. I did install pb2019r3 on a machine, the working code is below in case anyone is interested.


string ls_json_data,ls_post_responsebody,ls_client64,ls_clientsecret64,ls_post_return_text
integer li_post_return,li_post_return_code

string ls_url = 'https://apiplay.cleanservices.co.uk/token'
string ls_clientid = 'username=lm.computers' // Add your real client id here
string ls_clientsecret = 'password=password.....' // Add your real client secret here
string ls_username='lm.computers'
string ls_password='password.....'
string ls_scope = ''
string ls_auth = ''
string ls_base64 = ''
string ls_body = ''
integer li_rc
string ls_token,ls_token2

RestClient lo_restclient
CoderObject lo_coderobject

lo_coderobject = create CoderObject
lo_restclient = create RestClient

ls_auth = ls_clientid + '&' +ls_clientsecret
ls_base64 = lo_coderobject.Base64Encode(Blob(ls_auth, EncodingUTF8!))
ls_client64= lo_coderobject.Base64Encode(Blob(ls_clientid, EncodingUTF8!))
ls_clientsecret64=lo_coderobject.Base64Encode(Blob(ls_clientsecret, EncodingUTF8!))

// Set the authorization and content headers
lo_restclient.SetRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + ls_base64)
lo_restclient.SetRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')

// Create the body
ls_body = 'grant_type=password'
ls_body += '&username=' + ls_username
ls_body += '&password=' + ls_password
//ls_body += '&scope=' + ls_scope

// Using the GetOauthToken function

// Create the token request

TokenRequest lo_tokenrequest

lo_tokenrequest.TokenLocation = ls_url
lo_tokenrequest.Method = 'POST'
lo_tokenrequest.GrantType = 'password'
lo_tokenrequest.ClientId = ls_client64
lo_tokenrequest.ClientSecret = ls_clientsecret64
lo_tokenrequest.UserName = ls_username
lo_tokenrequest.PassWord = ls_password
//lo_tokenrequest.Scope = ls_scope

// Get token with GetOauthtoken (this returns the token as a string already parsed from the json response)
li_rc = lo_restclient.GetOauthtoken(lo_tokenrequest, ls_Token2)

  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Wednesday, 14 April 2021 17:47 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing the solution!
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Marco Meoni Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 14 April 2021 17:40 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

Hi Andrew,

looks like in the header you are sending Basic auth (usr:pwd), not a Bearer token.

Also, you specify content-type form encoded, where is it?

I advise you try first from Postman/SoapUI and when working reproduce in PB ode.




  1. Andrew Davis
  2. Wednesday, 14 April 2021 17:47 PM UTC

Yes i realised eventually I needed Basic, I had that originally and changed it clutching at straws !

  1. Helpful
  1. Marco Meoni
  2. Wednesday, 14 April 2021 17:56 PM UTC

missing Basic was first mistake.

Regarding the other changes, I have still doubts on what made the code working because:

- you create the body but don't use it;

- you set Authorization request header which, according to PB doc, causes ClientId and ClientSecret properties to be ignored.



  1. Helpful
  1. Andrew Davis
  2. Thursday, 15 April 2021 10:14 AM UTC

Agree I set body and dont use it that was left over code from when i tried to use JWTtoken - that worked - i picked up the token but i couldnt then use it. so that code should be removed - this was my JWT code

// Get the token with GetJWTToken (this returns the full json of the response which needs to be parsed to get the token)

li_rc = lo_restclient.GetJWTToken(ls_url, ls_body, ls_token)

I agree about what it says re clientid and secret - however it did not work until i added those - it was a guess to be honest.

I later set the token and post using the following code and have confirmation from the people managing the server data that my records get sent.

ls_json_data='[ { "RFIDTagId": "00007D310A01131B13F160EC", "ItemReference": "700.001 WHIT", "LastScanTime": "2021-04-14T10:01:23", "LastScanType": "Dirty", "LastScanLocation": "Hotel", "IsKilled": "false" }, { "RFIDTagId": "00007D310A01131B13F140EC", "ItemReference ": "700.001 WHIT", "LastScanTime": "2021-04-14T10:02:13", "LastScanType": "Dirty", "LastScanLocation": "Hotel", "IsKilled": "false" } ]'

if li_rc=1 then


li_post_return=lo_restclient.SendPostRequest("https://apiplay.cleanservices.co.uk/SupplierIntegration/RFIDMovementEntry";, ls_json_data, ls_post_responsebody)



end if

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