1. Bernard Ceulemans
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 20 June 2023 14:53 PM UTC



I'm trying to use the OAuth 2.0 with an authorization code.

My code : 

ls_Url_code = "https://api.ibanity.com/isabel-connect/oauth2/token?client_id=" + ls_id + "&redirect_uri=" + ls_Redirect +"&scope=" + ls_Scope + "&response_type=code"

OpenWithParm ( w_webbrowser,ls_Url_code )
ls_code = Message.Stringparm

In the w_webrowser, I receive this message :

However, I have installed the site certificate on my PC.

Is it possible to give a certificate to the w_webbrowser object?

I work with Powerbuilder 2022 R2.

Thank you for your help




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