1. Madhu Krushnamraju
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Monday, 4 June 2018 17:36 PM UTC


Currently, we're using PVCS as a source control management and maintaining branches, different promotion groups (TEST, QA, PRD). Would you please advise on the same.

a. We had individual ORCA scripts to prepare build TEST, QA and PRD respectively, which automatically connects to respective DB.

b. I would like to implements same thing on SVN as well. Since, we had "app.srj" file in different promotion groups (TEST, QA and PRD). How should I do?

c. How to migrate all objects including branches, old versions to SVN?

d. Shall I maintain TEST, QA and PRD branches on SVN as well to prepare different build?

e. Is PB needs to be installed on Build Server to prepare build? Would you please provide sample ORCA script, how to connect to SVN respository?




Ken Guo @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 8 June 2018 07:46 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Madhu,

PB IDE supports connecting to SVN. ORCA doesn’t support connecting to SVN but it supports scc connect offiline. As it doesn’t support upload or download source code, you can use ImportOnly.
You may also refer to this link as the concept is the same for SVN: https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/how-to-use-orca-script-for-build-exe-in-pb2017-with-git-repository

One PBW can only connect to one SVN repository. As to how to use TEST, QA and PRD branches, you can refer to SVN documentation.


  1. Madhu Krushnamraju
  2. Thursday, 28 June 2018 19:46 PM UTC
Would you please provide sample code to how to connect to SVN Repository using PBORCA script and get into local folder.

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