Has someone succeeded in querying an ActiveDirectory server with LDAP and SSL.
I use the ldapquery tool from topwizprogramming and i'm able to connect to the server on port 389, but not on secure port 636 (my connect string is for example ldap://x500.bund.de:636)
The server is reachable on both ports and delivers data (tested with Softerra LDAP Browser).
i don't think so because the other tool on the same machine (Softerra LDAP Browser) works correct on port 636.
Here is a snippet of my example Code
integer li_rc
OLEObject adoConnection, adoRootDSE
adoConnection.Provider = 'ADSDSOObject'
adoConnection.Open('Active Directory Provider')
li_rc = adoRootDSE.ConnectToObject('LDAP://x500.bund.de:389')
The last line is ok with port 389, with port 636 it returns -6