1. Raymond McCague
  2. InfoMaker
  3. Tuesday, 10 December 2024 22:20 PM UTC

We are using infomaker.

We use to connect to InfoMaker using SQL Server Native client or what also is called: SNC SQL Native Client.



The Server field had: Server\Instance

The Database: had the name of the databases.


Now we want to connect using OLE Microsoft OLE DB

The Data Source has: Server\Instance

Not sure what to put on this screen.

We want to connect using Windows authentication.


Roland Smith Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 11 December 2024 15:16 PM UTC
  2. InfoMaker
  3. # 1

The old 'Microsoft OLE DB' driver was deprecated by Microsoft in 2012. Then in 2017 they brought it back as 'OLE DB Driver for SQL Server'.


You can get the Microsoft driver here:


As Chris said, use 'MSOLEDBSQL SQL Server' in PowerBuilder.

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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 10 December 2024 22:39 PM UTC
  2. InfoMaker
  3. # 2

Hi Raymond;

   FWIW: Microsoft deprecated the SNC DB Client in the SS 2016 time frame but then replaced it with the new MSOLEDBSQL SS DB client driver. Also going forward, MS has stated that the MSOLEDBSQL DB Client driver will be their path forward for all new SS releases (2019 & higher). Newer IM versions now support this MSOLEDBSQL native SS DB Client driver. I would recommend that you look at using MSOLEDBSQL instead of OLE DB (just my $0.02).  Food for thought.  HTH

Regards .. Chris

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