PB2019R3, b2703
Windows 10, 64 bit platform
In PBv12.1, if you UN-check the PBLs on the Libraries tabpage of the Project file, all the code compiles into a single EXE.
This is not working in PB2019R3 b2703.
Can it be made to work? I.e. am I doing something wrong?
This works in PBv12.1 b7055
Thank You,
The end result is a 32K executable, when the size should be closer to 16K.
Why is it bad that the executable is bigger when you don't generate PBDs? You said it yourself: " if you UN-check the PBLs on the Libraries tabpage of the Project file, all the code compiles into a single EXE."
This logically means that the exe will be bigger if you don't generate pbd files.
Maybe I'm not understanding what's going on.
If the executable doesn't work, but does compile without warnings, most likely you are missing some dynamically assigned datastores or datawindows and/or dynamically created / opened user object usertabs. search on "Create using some_string_variable" and OpenTab() and openuserobject() and opentabwithparm and openuserobjectwithparm.