1. Raymond Longoria
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Wednesday, 14 August 2024 18:57 PM UTC

How do you retrieve the filter expression from a datawindow? I am sure this is a very easy solution. 

Accepted Answer
John Fauss Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 14 August 2024 19:10 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

Hi, Raymond -

"Filter" is a property of the Table property of the DataWindow object:

String ls_filter

ls_filter = dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Table.Filter

- or -

String ls_filter

ls_filter = dw_1.Describe("DataWindow.Table.Filter")

Best regards, John

  1. Raymond Longoria
  2. Wednesday, 14 August 2024 20:55 PM UTC
That worked John! Thanks!
  1. Helpful
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