Hi Timothy;
Yes, the 64 bit world on the GetFileOpen ( ) Windows API call is different in the 64 bit world vs 32 bit world. It took me a while when PB 12.6 came out to tweak my Integrated framework's 32 bit code to make it work OK in the 64 bit realm. However, I finally figured it out. You are most welcome to download the framework and either use it directly or extract the code you need.
The key areas to look at are:
- PBL: STD_FC_Base2.pbl (objects specific to 64 bit or native only PB)
- Structure: sr_browseinfo64
- Object: nc_app_controller64_master
- Method: of_browse_for_folder ( ) .... for its implementation
Note: The ancestor "nc_app_controller_master" same method will show you the 32 bit implementation.
Use: Instantiate nc_app_controller64_master and then call the of_browse_for_folder ( ) method from anywhere in your App.
Tip: Try the OrderEntry Example framework App to see the actual coding working from its 64 bit EXE.
Regards ... Chris
Thanks! Unfortunately, the example calls SHBrowseForFolder, not GetOpenFileName or GetSaveFileName. Do you have examples of those?
I do see the changes you made to the structure. How did you decide when to use Long and when to use LongPtr?
You need to use the new pointer data type for the 64bit realm. I found this requirement while reading the 64bit API documentation.
PB 12.x extended the built-in GetFileOpenName ( ) method addiing a new aFlag argument. This argument controls the Look & Feel and behaviour of the O/S dialog. Have you tried this aspect?
Regards ... Chris
Thanks again ... I did try setting the aFlag argument to various things without getting the desired results.