1. Olan Knight
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Friday, 1 October 2021 15:34 PM UTC

PowerBuilder - all versions


   It would be WONDERFUL if the error messages generated by PowerBuilder would at a minimum name the object that failed, and if possible also include the call stack.

   Can this be added to your queue of enhancement requests, please? This would save HOURS of manual labor tracking down this information.

>>>>How do I go about making this an official enhancement request?
Update:  I sent an email to Appeon making this request, as suggested by Chris.




Accepted Answer
Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 1 October 2021 16:11 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

Hi Olan;

  That is what the DW Control, DataStore and Application Error events are for. They give you all that information (minus the call stack)! Yes. getting the "Call Stack" information as well would be a great enhancement. Something I saw requested a few times back in the Sybase (ISUG) days but was never implemented.

   For development, if you set your IDE's System Options dialogue's "Just In Time Debugging" option to ON - when the App errors, the debugger will pop-in and you will be able to see the Call Stack. However, I also agree that we need this CS information access in a production App EXE as well. Currently, there is no way to access that under PowerScript (AFAIK).

  Please open a Support Ticket as an enhancement request or email product@appeon.com with your enhancement details.

Regards ... Chris

  1. Olan Knight
  2. Friday, 1 October 2021 16:25 PM UTC
Thanks, Chris.

I know that when I try to get the object name from within the ERROR events, I cannot seem to do it. Only by manually tracing the error am I aboe to determine the object in which the error was generated.
  1. Helpful
  1. Roland Smith
  2. Monday, 4 October 2021 13:06 PM UTC
If you get a PB runtime error (divide by zero or invalid row/column for example), the global object Error contains the object, function/event, and line number of the error. What type of error are you talking about?
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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 1 October 2021 17:07 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Olan;

  My STD framework is catching all these errors and all pertinent information. Including OLE errors as well. Also, don't forget about the PopulateError() and the SignalError() commands as well.  ;-)

For example:


Regards ... Chris

  1. Olan Knight
  2. Sunday, 3 October 2021 22:56 PM UTC
Thanks, Chris! :)
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