Anyone experienced font sizes in images at 300 or 600 DPI get distorted in PB datawindows?
They tripple++ in size. Reason is as of now only way to get exact fontsize in images as in PB is to store the image in 96dpi
Regrettably in most cases this far from good enough for printing, 300 or 600 DPI would be best.
Did anyone solve this?
That would cut it for a logo file w/o fonts. Freehand would regrettably not cut it, as it distorts the fonts in the imagefile as compared to an exact match of those used in the dwo. My workaround was to create two versions of the image, one in 96DPI, choose this w/original size option checked and use that image as initial originfor the pictureobject. Then save, close the dwo and embed an original 288DPI image of the 96DPI version, and viola, printing quality are secured, with fonts matching windowsfonts. A drag, but it worked out fine.