Hi All
This question is somewhat related to the one I posted on 03/05/2020 titled "Muilti-line input in a datawindow (dw) object"
Thanks to Mike S's. and Michael Kramer's help, I was able to get over that hurdle.
Long story short, now I need to make that very same data input field elastic, meaning its height should adjust dynamically as user types into it.
I have set the initial field (in free form layout) to of 76 PB units in height and retained the vertical scroll bar settings (auto and not). I also checked the Autosize Height property of the said field.
What I found was while I am typing into the field, it does go down one line and next accordingly. HOWEVER, the field's height does Not change UNTIL the focus has switched to other fields. THAT will not fly with the users...
Is there a way, or, how, to make that 'autosize height' work in real time?
Also, since there is an OK button right below that field, in what object.event should I put script so that the button would move down to maintain the same distance to the data field as the field expends?
Thank you!
I am able to make that edit field expend in real time by putting Accepttext() in the EditChanged event. I, however, can not figure out how to calculate and capture the 'after' edit field's height. It stays at the painter value throughout the execution of my code.
Any insight?