1. ATK Gimmy Susan
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Friday, 7 July 2017 20:51 PM UTC

Is there a document that show how configure IIS and Powerserver ?





Accepted Answer
Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 7 July 2017 21:51 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

Hi Gimmy;

  I did a video about this for Appeon Web / Mobile last year. We called the server Appeon Server vs its new name this year PowerServer. However, for the .NET installation you can refer to this video as it explains the installation & configuration of the Appeon Server. Just remember when your watching the video to think "PowerServer" instead. 99% of the installation re-install and the PowerServer install is the same. Here is the link to the YouTube video.

  Once you have PB 2017 Universal & PowerServer installed. First login to the Appeon website User Center and assign a PowerServer license to your Appeon website login. The same thing you already probably did for PB 2017 itself. Next, log into PowerServer using the AEM Console (default User ID "admin" and password "admin") and then proceed to the license section on the right hand menu of the console.  In the license section,  enter your Appeon login ID and your password to complete the activation of the license.

  The last step will be to install the AWS (Appeon Work Space) App on to your mobile device. For that, have a look at the next video I recorded around Appeon 2016 as its the same process for PB 2017 Universal. Here is the link to that YouTube video.


Regards ... Chris

  1. Gimmy Susan
  2. Thursday, 13 July 2017 13:29 PM UTC

  1. Helpful
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