Thanks Chris,
Unfortunately, Evaluate() isn't my strongest skill, assuming I have any (lol).
Can anyone give me a head start on the format to get the width of a specified column using Evaluate?
Among others, I have tried the following with no joy. Have tried with both row = 1 and row = 0, same result in all cases.
// Generates "Column number is not valid" error
// Column 1 exists, so guessing that #1 is not a legal way to address it
ls_ModString = "Evaluate('#1.Width', 1)"
ls_Result = dw_detail.Describe (ls_ModString)
// Removed the # - error is "Expression is not valid"
ls_ModString = "Evaluate('1.Width', 1)"
ls_Result = dw_detail.Describe (ls_ModString)
// The name of column #1 in the dw is col0 - gives error "Expression is not valid"
ls_ModString = "Evaluate('col0.Width', 1)"
ls_Result = dw_detail.Describe (ls_ModString)
// Removed the quotes around the expression - no error, but also no result
ls_ModString = "Evaluate(col0.Width, 1)"
ls_Result = dw_detail.Describe (ls_ModString)
// Removed the quotes around the expression - no error, but also no result
ls_ModString = "Evaluate(#1.Width, 1)"
ls_Result = dw_detail.Describe (ls_ModString)
// Tried this thinking maybe .width was possibly a function in "datawindow language"
// Generates error "User function was not found"
ls_ModString = "Evaluate('Width(col0)', 1)"
ls_Result = dw_detail.Describe (ls_ModString)
What other formats yield the width of a column using Evaluate?
string ls_width
ls_width = this.Describe("#1 .Width")