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In this article you will find a list of Code Samples related to DataWindows for your PowerBuilder apps. These code examples are found at Appeon's CodeXChange.


**The list has been ordered from newest to oldest.

DataWindow Code Samples from CodeXchange
Name Description

WebAPI JSON to DataWindow


This sample shows how you can interacts with WebAPI addresses by calling the HttpClient and JsonParser objects.

JSON Enhancements sample code from Elevate 2020



DataWindow Row Level Import/Export
Enhanced JSONGenerator
Enhanced JSONParser
Enhanced JSONPackage

Fast Find Demo in DataWindow


Fast Find service to a DataWindow with PB custom event pbm_enchange, using an SLE English regional settings need to be set.

Edit Limit with Table Compare


A PB utility to ensure that the edit style limit value is in sync with the underlying database column.

A DataWindow Head Sort UserObject


The PB UersObject that can let the user click the head then sort the column.
You can use that UO in place of the original PB DataWindow control.

DataWindow Tooltip Service


A service for providing tooltips on DataWindows with a wrapper for Microsoft Common Control using external API control comctl32.dll and so on

DataWindow Events


This is a very small example which shows different datawindow events firing.

DataWindow and Table Column List Comparison


A PB utility to ensure that any new columns in database tables are being captured by the DataWindows that reference them.

Autosize Height of Header and/or Trailer


Autosize Height of Header and/or Trailer The only band that has autosize height is the detail band. This is a way to simulate autosize height of the header and/or trailer by using nested reports. Retrieve d_main using demo db.

DataWindow ApplyStyle


A PB utility to clone display style between two datawindows. Support save as another SRD.

DataWindow and Treeview Event with a Time Delay


1. Treeview event Selectionchanged forwarded to UserEvent with time delay.
2. DataWindow event RowFocusChanged forwarded to UserEvent with time delay.
3. Using a timing object to control events forwarded to control user events.
4. This creates an asynchronous behavior with the option, that a user may scroll through a TreeView or DataWindow without executing the depending code on SelectionChanged/RowFocusChanged events everytime to show when the delay userevent is triggered.

Grid DataWindow XP and Traditional Mode Switch


This is a case where grid DataWindow can be switched to XP format or traditional format.

Evaluate DataWindow Attribute


A function used to get the attribute value as the DataWindow interprets it: Either the result of the expression or the value if there is not an expression.


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