Featured Questions

Hi all, I did use PFC libs in past, but never need to migrate to new version of them. How do you use PFCs now when GIT is usable in PB2019. Do you have your own fork of PFCs from https://github.com/OpenSourcePFCLibraries/2019 and then use that fo...
Hi, We're running a PB19 R3 application on our production server, with a webbrowser object. I see that multiple copies of pbcefclient are opening, basically one(or more) for each of our users. Could someone please explain what this exe is for.  I...
Hi, I'm wondering how Elevate 2020 will run for those of us in less conference friendly time zones?  Will all the presentations run from 9am to 5pm EST?  When will video replays be available to watch?  I think 9am EST is 1am in my local time, so I th...
  1.  Elevate Conference
We are currently working to upgrade from PowerBuilder 12.5.1 Build 4015 to Appeon 2019 R3 Build 2703 We have a datawindow that does a straight update to a specific table using the datawindow's update properties.  We also have columns that are NOT pa...
  1.  DataWindow
Hi We have migrated to Appeon PB 2019 R2(Build 2328) a year ago. I am now trying to explore new features. First one was calling web service without using old proxy webservice object so when I declare AppeonWebServiceComponent caller I get compile e...
There's an enhancement request somewhere to add the capability for the NativePDF saving of DataWindows to append their output to an existing PDF. In the meantime, I really wanted that ability, so users of our software could put multiple reports into...
  1.  NativePDF
  2.  PDF
  3.  PowerBuilder (Appeon)
Hai, I can't deploy perfectly the powerserver application. While I click the Run POwerSErver Project, I am getting the below error.   Hmmm… can't reach this page It looks like localhost closed the connection Try: Checking the connection Ch...
In offline mode of the PB R2 License, I am not able to see Appeon web demo. (5 lessons are there to covert desktop application to web application) . Basically, need to know the lessons or guidance for converting desktop to web based application. Req...
  1.  Offline
  2.  PowerServer Web
  3.  Web API
  4.  Web Service
  5.  WebBrowser
Hi all, I'm writing a new event to be called from the RMB Menu.  I noticed that I can't seem to override the ancestor scripts.  This is true for older event too... I recently upgraded from PB12 to PB19... now all my rbuttonup events are showing the ...
  1.  DataWindow
  2.  Event
How does powerbuilder webservices application handle multiple requests at the same time.  For example, does it use pooled connections or does it try to open a new connection for each thread.
  1.  .NET Assembly
  2.  IIS
  3.  Multi Threading
  4.  Server
  5.  Web Service
Dear Experts, I want to get the file version and the product version (Major, Minor, Build, Revision) of the application built by PowerBuilder and date and time when it was built. How do I get these informations with PowerScript functions? In Visua...
  1.  .EXE
  2.  Build
  3.  PowerBuilder (Appeon)
  4.  PowerScript (PS)
Hi all, I'm having trouble viewing documents in my browser if the document name has any spaces.  I'm trying to replace spaces with %20 for the browser... but when I run my code, it replaces space with %2520 ... here's an example: file:///E:/BenchTo...
  1.  Function
  2.  Script
We have been using PowerBuilder 9.0 develop a large application that we normally deploy by coping the new exe into a specific folder on the clients workstation.  Within the application we check to make sure the user has the latest and greatest exe fi...
Hi, I've got code in production  that uses Powerbuilder 2019 R2. I recently downloaded and installed Powerbuilder 2019 R3 and during setup the only option was to upgrade my existing R2 installation. However, I really need to be able to continue su...
Hi all,   I'm using PB2019 r3 build 2703.  I would like to add my Workspace to Git but the option "Add to Source Control" on the right-click on the workspace is not there. Is there any additional configuration that I should make?  Thank you,  ...
Hi, Does anyone know where the Today() function gets it's value from? What I mean is: where does it look to determine the TimeZone your PC is configured for? I've temporarily changed my Windows' TZ to Australia, but I'm still getting my local UK da...
I am Using Microsoft Web Browser OLE in PowerBuilder 2017 R3, I am using this Web Browser to take credentials from user and generating the OAuth2.0 Authorization Code for further use to generate access token, but when i give the UserId and click on n...
  1.  OAuth
  2.  PowerBuilder
Buenas tardes a todos.   Alguien tiene un ejemplo de como exportar un datawindow a xml   Muchas gracias   Att Carlos
Error dialog while accessing the app from the browser to install the launcher for first time. Also tried closing PB before trying browser launcher install but no luck: PowerBuilder application execution error (R0222) Application terminated. Error:...

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