Featured Questions

In our application, when you click the Save As option in a report, the drop-down list includes many options that do not work or should not be valid options, such as SYLK, WKS, Dbase 2, etc. Is there a way to limit the Save As options to only those we...
  1.  Port
Hi,   I am currently working from past 2 months in powerbuilder ver 9 ,I need your suggestion is it good to work in it or should i change my job soon. Please advice me because here in organization they are still working on PB 9 and codes wer...
  1.  Build
Is it possible to do that since i find out the registryget() is getting value from client with web application. Thanks
  1.  Server
The release note for Build 1769 says: Installing this revision requires you to uninstall the original version 2017 first. If you have already installed build #1756 of this revision, we will provide an MR for you to apply on top of the build in Apr...
  1.  Uninstall
We experience slow performance on some of the machines when executing HttpClient SendRequest("GET",...) For example, on one machine the method runs in fraction of a second and on another machine the same call takes about 5-6 seconds. There is no dela...
  1.  Client
i have a client who uses ID cards with a special RF chip which is being read by some RF equipment into into a third party system. this system controls user logins, time, access, etc. does PBL 2017 have a feature to accept entries from such e...
  1.  PBL
Is there a preferred version of GPL Ghostscript that should be used for someone who is still using the Distill method with PowerBuilder 2017 R2?
  1.  Build
  2.  Script
Los reportes que he hecho han sido por Datawindows, pero he visto que el control Rich TextEdit tiene varias opciones que me pueden servir para algunos reportes, quise registrar el archivo tp4ole11.ocx en windows 10, y me marcar error 0x80040200, asi ...
  1.  Client
Problem : Opening a window with the new RTE control is very slow when the application is run on a terminal server with printer redirection enabled, and the "default" printer is set to use the "Remote Desktop Easy print" printer driver. This happens ...
  1.  TE Control
Hi,   I want to know about the control used in the window of powerbuilder. for example i was seeing one window in which textbox type control has been used in it but it was not,so i want to know how we can figure out which control has been us...
  1.  Build
Hello to all I have a question from Noob. Im studying how to create a DLL in Visual Studio C # and invoke it in Powerbuilder. Unfortunately I have an error: Bad runtime function reference .... What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the reply. I...
  1.  DLL
and we dont do anything funky in the script, standalone machines is just fine. Citrix engineer is been reaching out to me, asking where and how PB is reading this info. I got nothing, imho it is PB internal. Any help will be greatly apprecia...
  1.  Citrix
Hi PowerSphere Just stumpled over this more than 10 years old article - https://www.computerworld.com/article/2541481/data-center/the-top-10-dead--or-dying--computer-skills.html Note they mentions PowerBuilder is still Trucking on. Yeah .......
  1.  Build
OSMajorRevision is returning a 6 on Windows 10?  I was expecting a 7   Anyone else having this problem.
Running in following error MicroSoft SQLServer 2008 R2: DataBase Error: (209=SQLSTATE = 42000 Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 Ambiguous column name 'OrderKey' - checked all datastores and datawindows for duplication of column OrderKey ...
  1.  Error
We are transitioning to Windows 10 and some clients have a two minute lag just starting an application.  Windows 7 was slow startup but two minutes is getting crazy.  exe and pbds are local
  1.  Build
Hi, Good Day. We need help regarding the issue we encountered when running our application in WEB 1. We have SET the AEM Data Source 2. Compiled the Application to WEB but when we run the application in Microsoft Edge Browser its not ...
  1.  MySQL
  2.  PowerServer Web
 Yesterday I asked about an issue where I stopped getting error messages when I make a mistake creating a script.  One reply said to try re-installing.  The other said to see if I resized the window improperly.  Its not a problem with the window s...
  1.  Editor
this might be not a pbl issue, but i need an advise, still, please: in datawindows, i have fields for entry and fields for display. fields for entry are embossed, they have the lowered border #5, fields for display  have no border #0. the...
  1.  Field

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