Hi Ana,
Here is a basic example of sending a urlencoded form. You could try something like this:
integer li_response
string ls_responsebody
string ls_responsestatustext
string ls_body
string ls_url
integer li_rc
ls_url = 'https://webserer/AppNet/DocPop/DocPop.aspx'
// The keys and values may need to be url encoded, I'm not sure if they are automatically done
ls_body = 'clienttype=html'
ls_body += '&doctypeid=137'
ls_body += '&KT!!%_0_0_0=0010171'
HttpClient lo_httpclient
lo_httpclient = Create HttpClient
lo_httpclient.SetRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
li_rc = lo_httpclient.SendRequest('POST', ls_url, ls_body)
if li_rc = 1 then
// Do something with the response
ls_responsestatustext = lo_httpclient.GetResponseStatusText()
li_response = lo_httpclient.GetResponseStatusCode()
li_rc = lo_httpclient.GetResponseBody(ls_responsebody)
// Something went wrong
end if
destroy lo_httpclient