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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
i get bad runtime function reference powerbuilder 21 in retrieve event   any help ?   ...
Hello, I use this code in in PB12.5 NET  System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed  sha1 sha1 = create System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed() System.Byte hash[] , lb[]  hash = sha1.ComputeHash(lb)  How can I do the same in PB2017? Thank...
Hello, I've recently upgraded to PB 2017.  With11.5 I could open an MailSession and have it use the default Profile with the simple:  mSes = CREATE mailSession mRet = mSes.mailLogon(mailNewSession!)   Now when I use this, the user ...
Hello, Issue 1 : Create a new user object < Customer Visual > Insert one picture control and one static text controls Enter a picture name for picture control and give a title in static text. This picture need to be a transparent p...
Same with Title. This mistake that made me so battered.   Code: li_rc = inv_luw.of_Update(apo_control, ab_accepttext, ab_resetflag) messagebox('of_update', sqlca.sqlerrtext) //sqlerrtext return "" messagebox('of_update&#...
Trying to run the Packager on Windows 7 Enterprise with SP1.  This machine is running on ESX 5.5 as a VM and we RDP (Remote Desktop) into it.  When running the Packager and selecting what we need and clicking create, we get the following error: ...
I'm testing some PB17 code that is uploading data from a local Firebird DB to a MySQL DB on our web server. It is being done through DataStores - load one from the local DB, copy the data to one connected to the web DB (with "dsTarget.Data = dsSo...
Hi all, We have a few datawindowchilds on which we need to perform a modify statement to change the .text value at runtime. How can we have single quotes and double quotes appear in the .text please ? We tried the following, but both failed ...
Hello, we have 2 different ways to call Soap web service proxys. First in (from) PB.NET, with a PB.NET Proxy, which works fast as expected. Second from PB 12.5.2 CLASSIC (.NET engine). There we loose nearly one second to get the call done. J...
Hi, Our PB Version : 12.5.2 Build 5652 Windows 7 SP1 Excel 2013 We are trying export data to an existing Excel File (template). Our code: string ls_fname transaction lt_tran ls_fname = "C:\Temp\Template.xlsx" TRY lt_tr...
stamp in pfc I need push a stamp in my pfc file but I don't know how do, you please send  me a example  how i nedd show in my pfc  the stamp. This type of stamp is posible programing in PowerBuilder. Other name to stamp is electronic signature...
Hi all, I am new to power builder 2017 but have used much older version of power builder in the past.  I would like to use power builder 2017 to print barcode labels with info from our DB.  So basically i would  be looking for a data window that, ...
We have several REST Services we call and get result back as a JSON or an XML output.  I have a new request to get back the RAW Bytes Array that it returns. How can I achieve that?  For EG:  We can do a GET for any image on the web like this...
Good morning Is there a project to delete powerserver for mobile applications ? Thanks   Gimmy ...
I need push a stamp in my datawindow but I don't know how do, you please send  me a example  how i nedd show in my datawindow the stamp. This type of stamp is posible programing in PowerBuilder. Other name to stamp is electronic signature. ver...
Hello, Microsoft has article that describes on how to handle Navigating event to cancel navigation within WebBrowser ActiveX control: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.webbrowser.navigating?view=netframework-4.7.1...
The 2017 IDE is exhibiting a strange behavior.   When I place a button, say, on a window and then select it it works fine and places focus on the Command Button. But, when I click on another area of the Window it does not unselect the button.  In ...
Buen dia Comunidad: Tengo un reporte que se ejecuta para ESCRITORIO asi como para WEB.  El reporte tiene activado la opcion Opcion Suppress Group Header pero veo que solo funciona cuando se ejecuta en ESCRITORIO pero cuando lo ejecuto en web di...
Does anyone know of a clean and smooth way to have windows slide or fade in Windows in a PB Mobile app.  I don't believe the animation properties for windows work in the Mobile environment so I'm mainly looking for something that can smoothly...
I am using a OLE Object container that uses a TiffViewer Control and a Microsoft Web Browser control to display JPG/TIF/PDF/Web Pages in my PowerBuilder 12.5 classic application.  The new requirement is to use "authenticated user credentials" whil...

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