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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Hi, is there an option to modify the maximal string size that can be selected with embedded SQL Select? At the moment there is a limit of about 32000. This is my workaround at the moment (dw_syntax can be larger than 32k): selectblob dwsy...
Hi   Powerbuilder 2017R2, what are the prerequisites Is there adocument?   Thy  GMY ...
I try to create a installation packager of my application. ( W10 and PB2017R2)   The Powerbuilder installation packager says : 'The target machine must have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 installed to enable these Powerbuilder runtime compone...
  I installed a new Powerbuilder 2017 compile on a new pc with w10. When I run the program, it goes wrong. Always. After much research I saw that these two DLLs are missing. How to mail? Why does not the Runtime Packager Powerbuilder include them?...
I would like to write a number to words function in powerbuilder 2017 I google for some solution but I don't know whether the syntax is correct so I would to run in application. However, I was new to powerbuilder and have no idea to find a ...
Just curious if the offline activation string for 2017 will work for 2017 R2?  Same machine of course.   If I have to create a new request, wait for security to review and transfer, obtain the activation string to load...  I could be down for days af...
how can i change the colors of datawindow graph (pie chart) which does not contain series ...
Hello, is there complete list of bugfixes for powerBuilder 2017 R2? The official ReleaseNotes is very short (is for example the problem with the dwPage.emf file fixed?) https://www.appeon.com/support/documents/appeon_online_help/pb2017r2/rel...
Hi, In the webcast yesterday it was stated that you can now choose the format for the images in the pdf – gif, bmp, jpg etc. Maybe I have a senior moment, but I have forgotten where these settings are! I can’t seem to find them. Gerry. ...
I've noticed that PB2017 R2 has to be installed exclusively and PB2017 R1 has to be uninstalled.  That brings question, when we need to patch existing app previously compiled with 2017 R1,  is it ok to compile on R2 and deliver just .pbd and .ex...
I have downloaded PB 2017 R2 and am running into the same problem as back in the day with PB 12.6. I first uninstalled PB 2017 and then installed R2. It installed ok on my laptop (Intel, Windows 10 latest version) but will not start. Ten seconds egg-...
I've uninstalled PB2017 from my platform. Do I need to uninstall the three PowerServer apps before installing PB2017-R2? Thanks, Olan   ...
Hi,    We are facing few issues with rich text control in PB2017. In our system the texts are stored in the sybase database and we retrieve the data to show in application. In PB2017 there are issues with face name and text size. Howverer this ...
Hi.   One of our customers are experiencing some weird issues regarding the performance.. They have Windows Server 2012 R2 databaseserver, running one SA16 database which is approx 10 Gb. 32 Rb RAM. Typically 18-20 connections. The termin...
Previously I used the SourceSafe and when I started powebuilder, it asked to log in.   I'm using  TFS 2015 with PowerBuilder.   ...
Buen día, instalé Appeon PowerBuilder 2017 completo, y sinembargo cuando inicio el PowerBuilder no me aparece la barra de herramientas del PowerServer. Alguién podría ayudarme y decirme cual es el error??.   Gracias ...
Hi, In case the database connection drops, does PowerBuilder 17 provide a way to reconnect database connection without having to reset datawindows? I have been using Powerbuilder 12.6,  when the database connection drops, unless I "Disconnect;"...
I don't want that another user can do check out to the same object at the same time ...
Hi People, I need help to upload a file from our PB system to a server using a HTTP form.  I am trying to use the MSXML object but am getting an error saying "Invalid or missing payload file".The address,tokens, files etc work using the postman ap...
Hi All, Just a quick question to be clarified. We are quoting to develop a suite of Apps for one of Clients to be used solely by their staff within the organisation.  We also use Powerbuilder to develop an internal Management System they also u...

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