Featured Questions

A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
While deploying the migrated application I am getting an error 'The project library ist has been updated. Refresh build options for the changed list and try again'. Please assist. ...
I am trying to migrate from 12.5 to PB2017 and getting error 'illegal data soapconnection'. Can you please suggest how can I get rid of this? ...
Hi, I am getting below error message while migrating PBL's from PB 7.0 to PB 2017. " Function 'Len' has been replaced with function 'LenA' " This error occurs when I select "Automatically convert dbcs string manipulation ...
Hi,   I would like to create a multipage document using PB 2017 PDf creation feaure. The task I have is to combine multiple invoices for a customer and send it to them in one PDF. How can I do that in PB 2017? Currently the dw retrieves one ...
In 12.6 SAP in their infinite wisdom changed the default byte alignment from 1 to 4 without telling anyone. Eventually it was explained somewhere on the SAP forum but I can't find it. It isn't in the Appeon 2017 documentation either. There...
Our 32 bit application relies on a 3rd party 32 bit DLL COMM Port driver (via external function calls) to communicate with various scientific instruments.  The code pattern is a DO Loop making function calls and waiting. This code is embedded into de...
I'm using Roland Smith's wonderful free GetFileName tool (http://www.topwizprogramming.com/freecode_getfilename.html) to get a more modern version of GetFileOpenName and GetFileSaveName, including allowing those dialogs to have a Help button ...
Can Lightweight Directory Services be used on Windows 7 (which is not connected to a domain) as the PowerServer LDAP server?  I can connect to the LDAP server from AEM, and I can see the groups defined in Directory Services, but I have not been able ...
This is truly weird. I have the PB 2017 version of my app out for beta testing, and one user reports that when he opens a certain window (or another one inherited from it) the app crashes with no message. No other user (or any of our test computers) ...
Hi, I have migrated my code from PB 7.0 to PB 2017. The build was successful without any error message. I also created an executable for the same. But I am not able to login to it, it shows following error message:- "Error loading client librar...
Hi, I have migrated my application code and created an executable. While login in, I am getting below error message:-  "Error loading client library DLLs. Unable to connect to server".   Thanks in Advance Regards Ankush Rai ...
When exporting DataWindow to Excel, all hidden columns are exported but visible computed fields are not.  Exporting datawindows to other formats including PDF appears to be fine. Is there a workaround? If not, can this be fixed?  Thank you, ...
First, it's awesome to see all of the activity in the forums -- exciting to see PB having a renaissance! Now, for my question: A desktop app I currently support uses Windows authentication for the app and database login - it grabs the curre...
Hello, I have created a window which prompts the user to enter a file name and then this file is used for further processing. To make sure that the specified file exists, I call the FileExists function.  If FileExists (sle_selFile.Text) Then ...
Just installed PB2017 onto our Isolated LAN.  Generated the Client Request for offline licensing.  But it is an encrypted string!  What exact information does that string contain?  Our security folks are likely to have a huge problem with this. Th...
When doing a PB Classic 12.1 build from a virtual machine (I remote into it), every 30 days it requires me to check-in my PB license and get a new license.  If I, instead, stay logged directly into the virtual machine, I am never asked to get a new l...
It appears from the answers to some bug reports that all of msvcp80.dll, msvcp100.dll, msvcr80.dll, msvcr100.dll, atl80.dll and atl100.dll are needed for deployment of PB 2017 apps. All of them are present in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Appeon\Shared\...
One of our major reasons to switch to PB2107 was that we can get rid of Ghostscript.  After we made our first tests with NativePDF we are very disappointed: The quality of the PDF created via NativePDF is very bad compared with the one created via Gh...
How to execute VB Script when PB app compiled in 64-bit? We used to run VBScript inside of PB App using MSScriptControl.ScriptControl ActiveX: ... mssc = CREATE OleObject li_rc = mssc.ConnectToNewObject( "MSScriptControl.ScriptControl" ) mss...
Hi, Is getdate() supported in PB 2017.   Regards Ankush Rai ...

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