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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
I kind of solve the case regarding this thread >> https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/upload-files-to-a-web-service The solution I found was to split the file in parts of 1MB (Byte array supports this number of rows). Then, this parts are...
Hi all, I'm looking for the best way to upload a file to a web service. I've tried with blob data type on the server side (converted to Byte array by PB), and it works, but with very small files. Both client application and web service ...
Hello, I created a pie chart graph object in Powerbuilder 12.5. In the properties panel when the legends position is set to "atleft!", the graph will look like this:   The legends are showing in a vertical box above. When I select "at...
Hi, I just migrated my project to PB 2017 1681 and run into an error because the behavior of the powerscript function date(string) appears to be changed. In PB 12.6 this: date('2018-01-53') returns 1900-01-01, what I need. But in PB ...
Hi.   Has anyone successfully managed to receive string data sent from a C# application using SendMessage? We have a small starter program written in C# which is triggered from a website. This starter program will do some small work and p...
Hello all, we have a PB application that uses OLEObject to interface with an Excel sheet. This application is published with Appeon Web and used thru IWA, i works fine. We have to publish the same application with Appeon Mobile (for Ipad) so...
I install visual studio team explorer 2013 and also i installed the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013 y 2015 MSSCCI. ...
I don't have dedicated servers so I want to use the cloud to run my PB mobile apps.  Has anyone done this at a low cost? Most cloud services are Linux based, easy to setup and use. Im not sure I have found a cheap/easy to use Windows based Cloud ...
Hi all, First of i would like to thank the Appeon team for delivering PB2017 without any ( in our case ) bugs ! The migration process was easy and straightforward. After many years of being in the PB dark tunnel, we can finally see light again at ...
Hi. Is it just me, or is the autocompiler (pbc170.exe) very unstable? I've tried it 7-8 times, and only once have the compiler created a working exe-file. But every time it crashes with a Windows error message "the application has stoppe...
Hi Guys I'm trying to post to a webservice and I'm struggling to get the right concepts for PowerBuilder. The URL is https://pms.verticalbooking.com/mainstay/OTA_PMS.php the Message format is:          uuid:bc12ff01-2329-f0dc-...
We are migrating from PowerBuilder 12.5 (4953) to PowerBuilder 2017 (1681) In PowerBuilder 2017 i have to following problem. I have a datawindow with a computed field in the summary band. If i set de redraw to false, then sort on the computed ...
Hello to all I need to import in PB some data coming from some excel sheets. I do this: a cycle that is repeated N times with a FOR in which: I create, read and destroy excel. The problem is that excel in the task manager does not disappe...
Good afternoon. Our customer is very interested in adding color functionality  to several rich-text edit style columns on Datawindows. PB 12.6 has this functionality. And as I can understand from studding video from Appeon library PB 2017 doesn...
We have recently begun migrating our 12.5 application to 2017 which we consume Powerbuilder web services. After installing the PB 2017 via the runtime packager on our application server, we are left without the .Net components being installed in the ...
 Hello, I have both PB 12.5 and PB2017 installed on the same PC. One of my applications uses a custom ocx. A few weeks back I migrated it from 12.5 to 2017. Everything worked as it should - ocx and all. Then I had to unregister the ocx to do some ...
PBv12.1, b7055 Windows 7, 64 bit platform I created my first MSI using the PB Packager! It works beautifully with the PB app related files. Questions: 1)  Is there a way to change the name of the Wizard from "Sybase PowerBuilder 12.0 Standard...
Saludos   Alguien sabe como se trabaja este tipos de archivos "Foto en arreglo de BYTE 64 [Formato: JPG]", neesito convertirlo y no puedo. ...
How can I implement ws_security in powerbuilder universal edition 2017, to invoke a webservice using SOAP WS-Security Username Authentication. Ideas?   ...
Does Appeon offering a PB2017 Advance Training Class (One or several). Like how to do deploy to mobil ( Android, Apple divices.) How to deploy to the web. How to do the PowerServer setup with the IIS setup. Regards, Clarence A Chamorro. ...

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