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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
Is there a specification somewhere to the particular RTF format that is used by the new RTE Control internally? The control appears to be the TE (tecf) control from SubSystems. Is this correct? If so, does Appeon (or SubSystems via Appeon) have an...
I've seen some of the other various questions and issues regarding the new Rich Text control, and we're experiencing most of these issues even with build 1681 (the CPU/load spike is by far the worst, we can't migrate our clients up when w...
Hello dear members of the Community ! My issue is the following : I need to be able to save the content of a DW in a .xlsx format. We are using Excel 2013 and Excel 2016. I’m working with a version 12.1 of PowerBuilder and migrating it to Power...
Hi al I have created a ws in pb 2017 and its looks great - no error . calling one of its functions return the message : http 401 - un Authorized . I spoke with the system admin and he told me that he sees my call but the call gets with no user ...
hi all   I am running a WS client ( the wizard + deceleration are fine builds in pb 2017  ) , but when  I am calling one of its functions i am getting : http 401 - Unauthorized . the thing is , running from IE works great . calling the funct...
Windows 7 64 bit platform IE version 11.0.9600.18792 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ George & Roland -    You were right.    I did the following:         1)  downloaded a trial copy of Winzip         2)  decompressed the original ...
I'm in PB 12.6, Windows 8, looking at the MonthCalendar control.  Setting properties such as MonthBackColor, TextColor, TitleBackColor, etc. have no effect.  I found this from Dave Fish, Sybase, 2009: The Vista operating system does not suppor...
Hello, I'm facing an issue I’va already read about some weeks ago : unable to active the PowerServer Mobile Trial License. I'm on an enterprise network and have no other choice but connecting thru a proxy server. All machines are the sa...
Like many other developers, I have created a user control to be a command button.  Yes, it's because of that whole look-and-feel thing. Has anyone figured out how to implement the "Default Button" behavior that the system command button allows...
I'm trying to find a good demo mobile app as a starting point for developing some mobile apps with various functionality.  I installed the CordovaDemo app and it runs on my Android phone but I only get -1 return codes, which seems in indicate an ...
I am using the trial version of PowerBuilder 2017.  In PowerBuilder 12.5 and PowerBuilder 2017 32bit I am able to call a C# function that has the Robert Giesecke “Unmanaged Exports” package.  In PowerBuilder 2017 64bit I am not able to call the C# fu...
Just converted from PowerBuilder 6.5 and the OUTPUT parameter is not working with SQL. I get the following error and any help would be appreciated: SQLSTATE = 42000 Microsoft SQL Native Client Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a...
Hi, We used to build the executable using Windows Server 2008 in our older version of PB. Since we are upgrading PB version to PB 2017. Is it ok if we use "Windows Server 2012". Are there any issues if we create a Powerbuilder executable using...
Are we going to get access to to the code samples/examples from the conference? Mark Hulser ...
We are running PB9 on Win7 computers.  We have installed new printers (HPs, with PCL drivers), but PB won't print to the new printers unless a postscript driver is installed. Is that a requirement of PowerBuilder to only print to postscript pr...
When I go to see the conference documents, all I get is a rotating busy image that never goes away. https://www.appeon.com/user/center/index#mydocuments   ...
Please let us know when and where the Elevate 2017 presentations and code samples will be posted. ...
Hi, We use to show reports with microsoft SSRS. In order to view the reports in pb app we use webbrowser activeX. Recently migrated to ssrs v16 and since then  we are unable to print from within it. From pb dev mode its ok. If i open the li...
Hello Everyone, Does anyone have an archive of old PB9 updates? I have the PB9 installation CDs and the 9.0.1 updates, but I need the maintenance release and EBFs for 9.0.2. My client has an unsupported vendor app that was last compiled with ve...
In the absence of Email notification it would be nice to be able to see if there has been any response to posts. If a question has had a reply then you can see this on the main page (Answers 1). The problem is, there can be a whole thread of comments...

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