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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
I´m creatting  a webservice and I want to attach a pbd to my workspace to use the functions of an object. I declare my object and  the object is created. It is correct but when I deploy de proyect there is a error: Illegal datatype. Why? Where is ...
Does anyone else have problems uninstalling PB 2017 & PowerServer 2017 while the antivirus is running? On a PC with TrendMicro AV it failed with a message "Unauthorized File Encryption. Path: c:\users\marcin\appdata\local\temp\{c38...setup.exe" ...
All, I'm opening an excel file and grabbing some cell info using ole.  The excel file isn't closing.  It isn't displayed in the menu tray.  The only way I know it's open is to try and open it.  Then I get the locked message saying ...
Hi.   Right now, our application is set up to connect to the SQL Anywhere 16 database via ODBC (defined in System DSN). However, I've been thinking about using ADO.net instead. But is there any better performance in using ADO.net inst...
In PB9 -  printsend was used to send ( 4"X6" ) label specific printer codes describing the label layout to our label printers. Label software LOFTWARE - Compiled files Labelname.dwn contains the layout definition ( template binary codes ) of the l...
Por favor ayuda..   Tengo istalado el sql server 2014 y el Power Server web pero no puedo conectar el powerser data source al sql por coneccion nativa   que debo hacer.. Me sale este mensaje Testing Data Source prueban failed: Error relac...
Our organization does not allow local IIS, but have access to remote server. How do I install Powersever mobile piece remotely ? Thanks.  ...
Dear friends, I work with PB 12.6 and Appeon 2015 that I use fro deploying web version of my application. This application has composite DataWindows with a few sub-reports. Some of them have New Page property checked to start respective sub-report...
Problema al Crear objetos en power builder 2017 con postgress, conecto por el pintor de base de datos Power builder y no me deja crear el catalo de tablas, tampoco me deja crear tablas   Cual seria la solucion,  ...
I try to convert a program to a mobile app (Appeon). After we connect to the database we create a lot of variables in the database (create or replace variable vVariable ....). These variables are also used in the sql statements of the datawindows....
The announcement for 2017 R2 lists Windows 10 support as a new feature.  Does this mean Windows 10 is not supported on R1? ...
In Appeon 12.7 (or later) do you plan to support table-valued functions? We (and I suppose several other customers) could make great use of this functionality; having the ability to essentially pass parameters to a view would make our SQL retrieva...
When setting up on Azure,  since i don't need to use the special azure deployment things, can i simply select dedicated (on a vm)? Or must i setup all of the azure things that i don't need to actually use for running this?  Setting it up a...
Dear Sir, I am trying to consume a webservice using powerbuilder 2017R2. I have the code in C# which consume the same webservice and trying now to do consume it in Powerbuilder. I have created a WCF proxy to access the web service and was able to ...
The following JSON string is unsupported in PB2017 R2: { "empId":191, "fname":"Jeannette", "lname":"bertrand", "manager": { "managerid":703, ...
Hi, a customer which is using PB workstations (originally Windows 7 and now Windows 10) running in a virtual environment. Because of special security requirements their virtual environment is building a complete (internal) network without an inter...
Can we get a copy of the code for the Restful Client example shown in  the webinar?  Would be a great jump start to using the new feature. Thank you, Ron ...
i need nice pb code format/beautiful. Please help with any software or plug-ins. I need to reformat the code. thank you! ...
Hello, I have a report datawindow with computed columns and a button to sort the datawindow based on a computed column. The code for the button looks something like this: dw_rpt.SetSort('') dw_rpt.SetSort("compute_6 desc") dw_rpt...
I try to add a workspace to out SVN repository. At frist try Powerbuilder terminates. At second try i get an error: ... Preparing to add to source control... User information confirmed. SVN client is uploading files. Please wait... SVN clien...

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