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A recent post included some PowerScript code, and I thought I would pass along a tip for pasting code snippets that produces a slightly more readable result than simply pasting code into the website's text editor. The toolbar contains a button to as...
Saw this and thought it was perfect. Note the angry mob in the background on panel 4.   :) ...
My pb IDE: pb11 i call a webservice and it works well for serveral months. but it showed error last month, "HTTP 417".  i asked the server side, they told me to add this sentence before I call the webservice: "System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect10...
Hi I'm trying to create a Richtext DW with a Header and a Footer. However, both Header and Footer always have a margin of about 1.5 cm to the top and bottom of the page, no matter how low I set the top and bottom margins in the print specifications...
Hello, I need to do some IPC with PowerBuilder and a NodeJS App. At the moment we have solved the initial problem by using sockets and sending the data over TCP.   Because the NodeJS app and the PowerBuilder app run both on the same machine (loca...
 How to integrate kerberos authentication with Application deployed on PowerServer ?  ...
Hello, we use powerbuilder 2017 for our application (client / server - 32bits) we find software for supervise/monitor this application (response time or accessibility). But any company can help us. Do you know a software for this? other question...
How to connect from PowerBuilder 2017 R3 64 bit application to  Sybase ASE 12.5 32 bit database (Adaptive Server Enterprise/12.5.3/EBF 12462 ESD#2/P/Linux Intel/Enterprise Linux/ase1253/1904/32-bit/OPT/)...
I have a process where data is exported from a datawindow and then another app with the same datawindow imports the data. There are two apps communicating with each other over the network. Using ExportJson & ImportJson methods in PB 2017 or 2019 thi...
It appears that when using the String() function to convert a Real to string, extra digits are added. I am seeing the same issue in the debugger. I set a Real to: 2.5E38 Then I convert to String: 2.500000072189495E+38 I passed the Real to a dll ...
Hello, We've got a largish PowerBuilder .Net 12.5 application.  What and how are the upgrade options for the application? Is it possible to upgrade to Appeon Powerbuilder 2019?  Several years ago, we converted it from Classic to .Net, it took a p...
I deployed an application using PB 2019 build 2082.  When the user scrolls on a grid datawindow, the scrolling is very lagging but when I run the application on my PC (which has PB installed), there is now lag.  Both PC's are up to date with Windows,...
Looking for some help with creating a PDF Portfolio.  I have used ghostscript in the past to create single PDF's from powerbuilder.  I have been tasked with creating a program that will allow drag and drop PDF portfolio creation much like you can wit...
Good morning. The agency I contract with has a PB2017 application that that displays a map (for GIS) using the OLE control (Microsoft web control). I have IE 11 on my laptop. The issue we are encountering is that very often, the windows that display ...
I've installed and configured  PowerBuilder 2019 GA trial version properly and created a C# project. When doing migration with C# Model Generator for converting existing DataWindows to .Net DataStore, I had this issues : Error: ORA-00904:”C”.”IDENTIF...
We have recently upgraded from PowerBuilder 12.5 to PowerBuilder 2017. We have also updated the way we connect to the database from ODBC to ADO.NET. We have created the Resource Package files and installed them on the server that is hosting the appli...
I have a column in the detail section of the datawindow. Autosize Height is checked. The design height of the column is 276. The column height resizes properly. I would like to adjust the positioning of other objects based on the height of the colum...
The file zip/unzip ole object we used in the past no longer works in PB 2017. I am looking for any newer object or alternative method  that can do this within PB 2017....
I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find it. For PB 2019, which of the Rich Text options in the application object is the one that is the same as the one in PB 12.x?  ...
Hi.   One of our customers have almost only 4K monitors in their organization. They run our PB 2017 R3 application via RDP and/or Remote Apps (Work Resources) in Windows 10. They report that they're experiencing very sluggish performance in almos...
Hello community,   My 32-bit PB app needs to check the registry settings for a third party 64-bit application. This community and the bug tracker both state that PB2017 won't allow me to do it. Come PB2019... As far as I understand it, the New Fe...
Hello, ok, it's not a big issue to develop it my ourself, but is there any build-in functionality to change timestamps to UTC and vice versa? Or any plans to implement that? Regards Roy  ...

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